Andrew Gable


Vim Tutor

10 July, 2014

I just completed vimtutor for the third time, and now I can write a whole blog post in vim!The whole tutor is a great thing to complete for anyone to check out vim for the first time, or to refresh their memory on how to search and replace, or how to navigate using the "h, j, k and l" keys (which I am still getting used to).

Run vimtutor in your terminal prompt and you should be in for a 30 minute tutor session to learn vim.

Writing this post in markdown I made sure to download the vim markdown plugin. It makes seeing the links and the formats really cool! Here is what the post looks like currently writing using my favorite theme soliarized dark and the markdown plugin.

vim tutor

I hope to keep continuing to learn new short cuts in vim and will continue to update with my best tips!

© 2024 Andrew Gable